Thanks to the Buffalo News for announcing Rachel's Remedy will be sold at and Wegmans!
Monday September 05, 2016
The Buffalo
Rachel’s Remedy, a Buffalo startup, to be sold at Wegmans and
BY: Stephen T. Watson Published: September 1, 2016, 04:37 PMUpdated: September 1, 2016, 06:19 PM
A Buffalo startup that makes breast-feeding heating packs soon will see its products go on sale at Wegmans stores and on Target’s website.
Rachel’s Remedy Breastfeeding Relief Packs are set to arrive on shelves across most of Wegmans’ store footprint, including all Buffalo locations, by next week, said Rachel Jackson, the founder of Rachel’s Remedies.
Target will make the product available for sale through its website soon, Jackson said, although she didn’t have a specific date. She said the store has committed to bringing the relief packs into its store network once online orders reach a certain level.
The Wegmans and Target product placements are the latest signs of progress for Rachel’s Remedies, which Jackson founded in 2014.
Jackson said a key to her company’s growth was asking federal regulators to review her relief pack, and their clearance came last year. The company said its product is the only hot-cold pack with U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance. Its packs can improve milk flow, relieve nipple pain and otherwise offer comfort to nursing mothers, according to the company.
Rachel’s Remedies also was the first company to receive seed money from Launch NY, the venture development organization that seeks to help startup companies in the western and central parts of New York State.
The heating pack already is available in 90 Babies R Us stores nationwide and online, as well as 20 Buy Buy Baby stores and numerous independent retail stores and pharmacies. The product is also available on Amazon.
The company has one full-time and four part-time employees, not counting Jackson. Rachel’s Remedies in October will launch a second product, a nursing pad.
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